Nuclear instrumentation  

The goal of this course is to obtain fundamental knowledge on the techniques and technology used to produce and detect radiation. The course consists of 2 separate parts: Partim Interaction of radiation with matter and radiation detectors • Radiation interactions: Interaction of heavy charged particles, Interaction of electrons and • positrons, Interaction of photons, Interaction of neutrons • Radiation detectors and their applications: General properties of radiation detectors, Gas- • filled detectors, Scintillaton detectors, Semi conductor detectors, Cherenkov detectors, • Neutron detection, Pulse processing Partim Particle Accelerators • Particle accelerators: Particle optics, Particle optics elements, Electrostatic and induction • accelerators, Linear high frequency accelerators, Circular high frequency accelerators, • Secundary beam production, Applications of accelerators. FINAL competences: 1 Insight in radiation interaction processes. 2 Insight in the operation of several types of radiation detectors and their application 1 possibilities. 3 Insight in methods to obtain physical information from detector output. 4 Insight in methods to accelerate and transport charged particles. 5 Insight in techniques to produce particles and radiation. 6 Insight in design methods for modern particle accelerators and peripheral equipment.
Nuclear instrumentation

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).